
Our Mission

SOAR is a resource and referral center that empowers survivors of domestic violence to seek safety and rise above trauma and abuse.

    • Domestic violence is a pattern of controlling and abusive behavior by one partner in an intimate relationship with the intent of establishing dominance and control over another.
    • Domestic violence does not always involve physical abuse or injury. Instead, the abuse may be emotional, verbal, psychological, or a combination, and it often worsens over time.
    • Whereas the majority of victims are women and children, domestic violence can also happen to men and can occur regardless of age, race, economic or social status, educational level, or sexual orientation.

Our Mission is to guide people in emotionally and physically abusive relationships to find safety and rise above the trauma and abuse.



Are you a victim of domestic violence? If you have been subjected to any of the following, you may be at risk:

    • Beating, kicking, pushing, choking, or other violent actions
    • Physical threats with a knife, gun, fists, other
    • Extreme repetitive shouting, ridicule, criticism, or shaming
    • Restricted contact with family and friends
    • Control of where you go, what you do, whom you are allowed to see
    • Stalking or following

    • Restricted access to your money, mail, or other communications
    • Forced sex
    • Extreme jealousy and possessiveness
    • Harassment by email, text, or phone
    • Abusive behavior that jeopardizes your work or academic performance

Here are just some of our services:

    • Support Groups
    • Private Counseling
    • Nutritional Counseling
    • Fitness Classes

Over 33% of women and 25% of men in New Hampshire have experienced domestic or sexual violence.

We are here for you!

About Us

Talia J. Walley, Executive Director and Founder

Survivor of an abusive relationship lasting many years, Talia now directs her time and energy to positively impacting those facing a similar journey through her own services and referrals, as well as through the assistance of resource partners.

Her goal is to help women, men, and families rise above abusive circumstances to find new purpose and meaning in their lives.

Talia holds a radio and television broadcasting degree from Hofstra University in Long Island, NY and is certified as a Zumba Instructor, an Aerial Yoga Hammock Fitness Instructor, and a Dr. Sears Wellness Institute Health and Nutrition Coach.

Pamela Sollenberger, Assistant Director

A Certified Grief Counselor and advisory board member of the American Academy of Grief Counseling in Warren, OH, Pamela has 29 years of experience serving diverse populations. She holds an MS in Counseling Psychology from California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA and is sole proprietor of the Tapestry of Healing Bereavement Services on Water St. in Exeter, NH.

Contact: (603)-494-4175 or psollenb@prodigy.net

Contact Us

Contact Us

E-mail:  SoarNewHampshire@gmail.com

Phone:  (978)-312-7324